Source and Create Nodes with Data from an API in Gatsby to Create a Pokemon Pokedex

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The Gatsby ecosystem supports a ton of plugins that allow you to easily source data from a variety of sources like a GraphQL CMS or Wordpress. But what if you wanted to source your own custom data?

In this collection, we'll walk through learning how to source custom data and create nodes in Gatsby in order to build out a Pokedex using the PokeAPI. We'll learn how to request the data in Gatsby's build process, create nodes with that data, query that data, and use it to create a Pokemon Pokedex UI.


Colby Fayock

I help others learn by doing through articles, videos, and courses about Javascript, React, and the static web. I'm a Lead UX & Front End Engineer passionate about tackling challenges that can help save people’s lives and make the world a better place.

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Course content (7 lessons)

    illustration for Source and Create Nodes with Data from an API in Gatsby to Create a Pokemon Pokedex