Build a React App with the Hooks API

1h 41m
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In this collection, we build a minimal flashcard application using React, primarily focusing on function components and the hooks API. To make sure we can understand and maintain existing code, there are also a few lessons toward the end that use class components so you can get familiar with the syntax. We cover important React concepts, and sprinkle in libraries that are pretty standard in the ecosystem like @reach/router, Jest, and React testing library. We start with create-react-app so we can get right into it without worrying about configuring tooling. There's a separate course for that here


Andy Van Slaars

Andy is a full stack JavaScript developer currently working as a UI architect. In his role, Andy is responsible for strategic technology decisions for a portfolio of web applications. He loves learning new libraries, languages and tools and is passionate about sharing what he learns with others.

Course content (24 lessons)

    illustration for Build a React App with the Hooks API