Create an Android Release Build with EAS and Upload to Google Play Store

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Create the app on the Google Play Store, create the first production build on EAS, upload it to Google Play, and publish it to an internal testing group.

For sharing apps via Google Play, you will need a paid Google Play developer account. It is preferable to have an organisation account if you're looking to monetise your app (you'll need to verify your organisation before you can create apps). But if you you are building apps as an individual developer, you can use the individual developer account.

When creating an individual developer account, you have some additional restrictions:

  1. You must submit proof of ID and home address to create the account
  2. If you want to monetise your apps, your home address will be shown on the Google Play developer page
  3. You will need 20 testers to test your app for 14 days before you can apply for production access

๐ŸŽฎ Google Play Console

๐Ÿ”— Register for a Google Play Developer account

๐Ÿ”— Required information to create a Play Console developer account

๐Ÿ”— QR Code Generator