Create linear data flow with container style types (Box)

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We'll examine how to unnest function calls, capture assignment, and create a linear data flow with a type we call Box. This is our introduction to working with the various container-style types.

Ian Hofmann-Hicks
Ian Hofmann-Hicks
~ 8 years ago

Been waiting for this for sooo long it seems. Thanks so much for getting these out, binge watched the first half and I gotta say, this is a wonderful continuation of the Professor Frisby series!! So much good information in there, I would have probably finished in one day, but had to open up node and try this magic out for myself!!

The imperative to declarative refactorings are my absolute favs.

~ 8 years ago

I'd like to know his workflow for this exercise for when i'm on just my laptop without screens. Obviously VIM, possibly TMUX... or some weirdness with VIM i don't know... Node, likely with autocompile script on save?

Steve Schwarz
Steve Schwarz
~ 8 years ago

I found the sped up voice difficult to understand; by using the speed control on the bottom left and turning to the slowest speed: 0.8 it was possible to follow what was being said.

Steve Lee
Steve Lee
~ 8 years ago

What is this magic "inspect" thing? How does it get called?

Brian Lonsdorf
Brian Lonsdorf(instructor)
~ 8 years ago

Hi! I made these videos.

I know lots of people are requesting changes, but there will not be any for two reasons:

  1. I don't have the original footage anymore (the videos are huge so i delete them afterward)
  2. I really wanted to make this project and it turned out just how i wanted it. There's nothing to "fix".

My choices here were against Egghead's style and recommendations and should not reflect on them at all.

If you are interested in learning the content and you feel that's not possible with this series, I am adding it as chapters to and there are other instructors here teaching FP in different ways.

Thanks for your feedback and I'm truly sorry you dislike what I've made.


Aurélien Bottazini
Aurélien Bottazini
~ 8 years ago

I love your work. Thanks a lot for the time you spent on this

Ray Dai
Ray Dai
~ 8 years ago

Thanks for the effort of putting these awesome stuff up and make it easier for newcomers, after almost watching all your videos, still not bad to come back and revisit. :)

~ 8 years ago

Thanks for your effort of making this hard topics enjoyable. For me it is a bit difficult to digest all the infomation with the speed on this video as english is my second lenguage but I think it is not impossible. Those chapters will come in handy as I watch your videos

~ 8 years ago

i've watched all videos now, and i find a little bit distracting the video format but nothing too bad...

about the content of the series, is the box concept a little bit what Rxjs does under the hood? (not the iterator observable pattern, but how it chains methods )

Brian Lonsdorf
Brian Lonsdorf(instructor)
~ 8 years ago

Yes! RXJS is founded upon these exact ideas. Eric Meijer (haskeller/author of famous white papers/legend) brought the ideas from Conal Elliot's FRP stuff to C# and JS.

All holding the monadic spec/theory, the implementation is free to be as performant as it wants without losing composability.

Kristian Mørch
Kristian Mørch
~ 8 years ago

Best ever 👍 First time I have smiled so much while learning.

~ 8 years ago

I love it!

Brandon R. Howard
Brandon R. Howard
~ 8 years ago

Great video. I really like the concept and the author does a great job explaining. The fast speed and animations are a bonus! 😁

~ 8 years ago

I've downloaded this app called Boom 2 that lets me change the pitch. After that and slowing down the video to 0.8 I could finally watch it :)

~ 8 years ago

While the voice does occasionally make it heard to understand what's actually being said, I really like the format! (Granted, I tend to watch most tech videos at 1.5-2.25x so I may be a bit biased.) I'm much more bothered by Right always being to the left of Left, likewise, Left is always to the right of Right.

That said, and to second Steve Lee's question:

What is this magic "inspect" thing? How does it get called?

Brian Lonsdorf
Brian Lonsdorf(instructor)
~ 8 years ago

Hey there!

I didn't realize inspect() was a bit esoteric. The idea is that it is called implicitly by Node's console.log() to give you a way to show your own data types.

It doesn't work in the browser though. For that, I'd use toString() and call console.log(String(x))

Hope that helps!

~ 8 years ago

I am rewatching this series and still love it.

~ 8 years ago

One solution is to download the file, open it in VLC and press [

~ 8 years ago

To get a normal voice:

  • Download the vidz
  • Open in VLC
  • Command comma for the preferences
  • Show all
  • Audio
  • Untick "Enable time stretching audio"
  • Save
  • Window > Audio effect
  • Enable equalizer
  • Play
  • Command minus to reduce the speed to 0.67%
  • True voice activated :)


Tre' Codez
Tre' Codez
~ 8 years ago

That's what I've been wondering. :)

Mike Robinson
Mike Robinson
~ 7 years ago

I liked it, do more stuff like this, kept me interested.

Babak Badaei
Babak Badaei
~ 7 years ago

Haha... awesome!

Cam Kida
Cam Kida
~ 7 years ago

I think I'm the only person who really enjoyed this video, hehe. The idea about a class room is nice and the content is really good!

~ 7 years ago

Amazing tutorial !! Speech voice 0.85x is fine. :)

Roman Kuba
Roman Kuba
~ 7 years ago

I really do enjoy this Video. I appreciate the interesting presentation and the Q&A part in the end. The contents is really good, well done :)

Tony Catalfo
Tony Catalfo
~ 7 years ago

how do we use inspect: () => Box(${x})

~ 7 years ago

I actually love this course. and it is indeed fun to watch~ Thanks.

~ 7 years ago

I am loving this course~

~ 7 years ago

What is this magic "inspect" thing? How does it get called?

I too was wondering about this.

~ 7 years ago

This doesn't bothered me at all, and the content is pure gold.

Steve Lee -- What is this magic "inspect" thing? How does it get called?

I would like to know too. How does this even work? Is this a node thing? Can someone explain or point to the right direction?


Ilia luk
Ilia luk
~ 6 years ago

Brilliant, I disagree with the previous comments, I think that the cute voices and the stop motion animation adds allot of fun to this mind-twisting concept and actually helps me to stay focused.

Max Zhukov
Max Zhukov
~ 6 years ago

With 0.85x Speed is great! And voice is Okay :) Something new!

Sherry Hsu
Sherry Hsu
~ 6 years ago

There is so much in this short 5min clip. The Box concept blew my mind! thank you!

Daniel Miclos
Daniel Miclos
~ 6 years ago

The only issue is that people thinks I'm watching some children's channel in the office.

Anubhav Saini
Anubhav Saini
~ 5 years ago

Love it. The voice, the setup. The information! Thank you so much for trying something different. The voice and classroom is what I imagine a Professor Frisby will have.

Ignore the haters.