1. 7
    Transform Modern JavaScript Features with Babel
    5m 1s

Transform Modern JavaScript Features with Babel

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In this lesson, we’ll install Babel and use it from the terminal to see how it can take JavaScript that uses modern language features and output JavaScript that will run in down-level browsers.

~ 6 years ago

There's a typo in the transcript:

$(npm bin)/babel ./src/greet.js --presets=@bable/preset-env

bable should be babel

Shripada Hebbar
Shripada Hebbar
~ 6 years ago
~ 5 years ago

When I run the above command .... I get below error '$' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I already installed below stuff npm i -D @babel/core @babel/cli @babel/preset-env....Please advice