Introduction to Callbacks, Broadcasters, and Listeners

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Before we dive deep into the pattern of composing callbacks and closures, we need to take start with the definitions and basic building blocks that we will be using for the rest of the course.

You'll be able to answer questions like:

  • What is a Closure?
  • What is a Callback?
  • Why does Callback Hell happen and how can we handle it?

We will see that by establishing a contract between functions and holding to the pattern that is established, you will have gained a lot of power and flexibility in writing reusable, robust functions.

You're in Section 01 of Composing Closures and Callbacks in JavaScript.


John Lindquist

John Lindquist is a co-founder of John has spent the majority of his career developing Rich Web Applications. Before starting, John worked at JetBrains as a WebStorm evangelist, and before that he was a Technical Architect at Isobar leading large teams in building the latest and greatest in web apps for the Air Force, HBO, and Bloomberg. Learn more about John's story with egghead here.

Course content (8 lessons)

    illustration for Introduction to Callbacks, Broadcasters, and Listeners